

吉松 加雄

株式会社CFOサポート 代表取締役CEO
前株式会社ブリヂストン 執行役専務グローバルCFO
元日本電産(現ニデック)株式会社 取締役専務執行役員兼CFO

米国金融専門誌 Institutional Investor 誌のCFOランキング第1回〜4回において、電子部品セクターのベストCFOに選出される。

Message from Masuo Yoshimatsu, the Founder & CEO

CFO Support Co., Ltd. provides management consulting services to CEOs, CFOs and CXOs to strengthen the CFO function of companies that are responsible for sustainable corporate value improvement. Such services include strategic planning for corporate value improvement, development of corporate transformation plan, implementation of global business management system, M & A and PMI, structuring CFO organizations and human resource development covering all CFO functions. I came up with the idea of starting up a business with the aim of returning the experience I have cultivated through the myriad opportunities I have received so far.

Representative Director and CEO of CFO Support, Co., Ltd.
Former Senior Vice President and Global CFO of Bridgestone Corporation
Former Director, First Senior Vice President and CFO of Nidec Corporation

Masuo Yoshimatsu joined Mitsubishi Electric Corporation in April 1982 and served as the head of finance at the company’s local subsidiaries in the UK, Singapore, and the US.
After that, he served as CFO and/or the head of finance of Bridgestone Corporation, Nidec Corporation, S.S. Pharmaceuticals, and Foreign-affiliated Japanese companies (Sun Microsystems, Boehringer Ingelheim, etc.).
He was selected as the best CFO in the electronic component sector from the 1st to the 4th consecutive time in the CFO ranking of the US financial magazine Institutional Investor.
He has served as an outside director of Hoshizaki Corporation and MIXI, Inc.
He was a professor at the Graduate School of Management of Tokyo Metropolitan University and a visiting professor at Kyoto University of Advanced Sciences.
In 2019, he established a management consulting firm, CFO Support Co., Ltd. and has been in his current position since February 2023.
B.A. in Economics, Keio University. M.S. in management from Stanford University Graduate School of Business. MIT Boot Camp (non-degree program).

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